スジュノン・スパチョツク氏は、タイ独特のアイデンティティーを伝えたく「タイのハーブ」 「タイマッサージ芸術」 「古代タイの癒しの技術」に3つに注目し調査、研究をかさねました。古代タイの治癒技術でつかわれている「さまざまなハーブや植物」更にタイの伝統的な医学を研究した結果、パタウェの代表的なハーブボールの創造につながりました。第一に良質なハーブの生産者の協力が重要と考え、伝統的なタイハーブの生産農家に、タイの医学に高品質なタイハーブの重要性、またこれらの原料が伝統的なタイ療法に不可欠であると再認識してもらうことで、高品質のハーブ生産こそが、農村の安定的な収入源になることを理解してもらいパートナーとして共に歩むことになりました。
PATAWEは、国際的な特許および著作権の下で国際的に登録された商標で、 私たちはオーガニックタイハーブのメーカーであることに誇りとしています。
ロゴの上にあるスパイラルは、1番を意味します。 私たちのビジョンは、World Herbal Compress Ballsブランドのリーディングカンパニーとして社会貢献することであり、 最高品質の認証を受けたハーブ由来のハーブボールと、身体の健康をマッサージ技術と組み合わせて、体の健康を増進することを願い使命とします。
Our Story
Patawe is the brainchild of Supachoke Sujumnong, a former communications engineer who wanted to establish an internationally renowned Thai brand. Supachoke wanted to create an exclusive product that had a uniquely Thai identity that would also be difficult to imitate.
Through study and research, Supachoke highlighted three main factors which now form the cornerstones of all our products:
1. Thai herbs
2. The art of Thai massage
3. Ancient Thai Healing Techniques
Supachoke took these ideas and then began to research Thai medicine to find out about the different herbs and household plants that are used in ancient Thai healing techniques. His findings led to the creation of the original herbal compress that is now Patawe’s most celebrated product.
Since our humble beginnings nearly nine years ago Patawe has become a leading company in Thailand and we continue to work hard to ensure fair trade partnerships exist with our growers in Thailand. We are also developing other interests, including running a campaign to encourage householders to love and protect the environment by living in harmony with nature, using traditional values based on economic sufficiency and using the knowledge and wisdom passed down from previous generations.
Our emphasis is on teaching people how to use local herbs and plants as everyday household medicinal cures and, working in conjunction with the Department of Community Development and Traditional Thai Medicine, training people how to make herbal compresses then use them inmassage as part of traditional Thai treatments.
We are continuously developing new products and herbal formulas so that different communities can develop a source of income that is stable and enduring.
Our Meaning “The Earth”
Patawe in Thai means the Earth. The Earth is a powerful source creating nature and life, at Patawe we appreciate these qualities and make our herbal compress products in such a way so that their qualities reflect and are worthy of the name Patawe .
Patawe is an internationally registered trademark under the international patent and copyright, we are the leading organic Thai Herbal Spa products manufacturer and we are recognised for our professionalism, product formulation and innovative packaging design.
The spiral above the ‘TA’ means the first or number one. Our vision is to be the number one of World Herbal Compress Balls branding.
Our Mission
Our mission is to offer the highest quality certified natural herbal compresses and associated
We aspire to enhance the wellbeing of the body holistically and in combination with massage techniques, we wish to share the healing properties of plants, our love of nature and our respect for humanity and the earth.
We strive to encourage our customers to share our values and we offer transparency, respect and responsibility and make choices to ensure a sustainable balance with nature.
Our company philosophy
Patawe takes a holistic approach to well-being, meaning we consider the whole person and the choices they make to nurture their body and mind.
We believe that feeling close to nature helps everyone achieve a sense of balance?both with the outside world and the world within. This inspires Patawe to deliver nature’s purest herbs mixed into formulas that holistically heal and enhance well-being.
Our product philosophy
Patawe offers certified natural herbal compresses and associated products, rooted in the philosophy that only the best ingredients and processes will enable us to develop the finest results for our customers.
Patawe’s mission is to share the sensory and healing benefits of natures healing plants as every day is a chance to bring people and nature closer together
Our knowledge
Patawe represents a wealth of knowledge about the healing properties of plants. Through dedicated research, personal trial and error and a passion for information we have studied the art of traditional plant therapy and the beneficial effects of organic plants. Our sources of study go far and wide, encompassing different cultures across time and throughout the world, from European herbology, traditional Chinese medicine and Indian ayurveda. We believe that plants are nature’s messengers and that each plant ingredient we use brings a unique set of qualities to a formula. Our careful study has given us great insight into the art of blending therapeutic formulas that please the senses. Patawe has a thorough grasp of how different plants work together to address specific needs and holistically enhance well-being.
Our Standard
Certified natural
At Patawe we strive to meet the highest standards of quality and sustainability, ensuring that our products are clean, our processes are conscious and our practices are caring. We will never use synthetic ingredients, parabens or genetically modified plants, instead we use certified organic ingredients, plant-specific methods, food- grade and organic emulsifiers, 100% natural fragrances and a natural preservation system so that all our formulas are pure and wholesome.
Social responsibility
We believe in ethical business practices, we pay fair prices to our partners and suppliers while maintaining long term collaborative trading relationships and we sponsor development initiatives.
We uphold the highest standards of quality throughout all our processes and strive to encourage our farmers to convert to organic farming methods. We give careful consideration to the working conditions of our staff and our growers to ensure we are socially responsible for those that work directly and indirectly with us.
Our perspective on social responsibility is to enrich our partners not only through the immediate rewards of fair prices and fair working practices but to enrich the lives of our partners and their families giving them long term sustainability.
Quality Control
We maintain uncompromising quality control, our in-house chemists monitor the physical and microbiological properties of all Patawe ingredients the products are then passed through independent institutions to ensure that stringent and objective standards are upheld.